Stepmom Wisdom Blog

Hi and welcome to Stepmom Coach - The Blog. 

With over 30 years of experience, I have a lot to share with you on all topics that will help you on your stepmom journey.

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, find yourself a comfy spot and check out my wisdom tips. Not finding what you're looking for? 

Fill out the form below with your request or suggestions and I'll add it to my blog posts. 

Is there some content that you'd love for me to address on my blog? A topic that I may have missed? With over 30 years of experience, I've seen and heard a lot about stepfamily struggles and challenges. 

Just fill out your name and email address with your message and I'll be happy to write about your suggestions.

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Claudette Chenevert

I've been on this stepmom journey for over 30 years. It's a process with many ups and downs. I've learned and taught ways to become resilient to the ever-growing challenges of stepmom and stepfamily life.

I help you to embrace to good and deal with the bad, by helping you build and create a stronger and healthier stepfamily, one STEP at a time.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach

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