Stepmom Coach Podcast Tracy Poizner

Have you ever felt like your partner may be interacting with his kids out of guilt or maybe even shame because of the breakup of the family?

Do you feel he might be compensating for not being with his kids 24/7 by being a Disney Dad?

On today’s podcast, I’ll be talking with Tracy Poizner, a stepmom of 14 years, an alternative healthcare professional and a fellow podcaster of her weekly Essential Stepmom  show, who will share her perspective on why dads behave the way they do.

Tracy talks about

  • Why dads may feel guilty or behave like Disney dads
  • The importance of fathers in our home
  • The Mother Role and the Father Role and what that means for your family
  • Why following through will change how your

Tracy is the host of the weekly Essential Stepmom podcast, now being heard in 48 countries worldwide. She offers unconventional advice and inspiration for what she calls The Womanly Art of Raising Someone Else's Kids.  As a stepmom for 14 years, and an alternative healthcare professional for over 20 years, she has a special perspective on emotional healing and how to balance our personal needs as stepmoms with the requirements of this challenging lifestyle. Tracy's website is

About Claudette

Claudette Chenevert, known as The Stepmom Coach works with stepmoms who are struggling to create a cohesive family life. Claudette, a Master Certified Stepfamily Foundation Coach helps stepmoms build and create strong and healthy stepfamilies by helping stepmoms focus on what they want as a woman, a partner and a parent.

Claudette has over 30 years of experience as a stepmom and 36 years as a mother. She understands what it’s like to be in your shoes and teaches the best strategies to make life as a stepmom more harmonious.

Claudette offers online support groups, self-study stepmom programs, and one-on-one coaching. Claudette also writes for Stepmom Magazine, has a blog and speaks on parenting platforms.  Her book The Stepmom's Book of Boundaries: How and Where to Draw the Line --for a Happier, Healthier Stepfamily? is available on Amazon,

For more information of programs and service, go to

Social Media #stepmomcoach

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Claudette Chenevert

I've been on this stepmom journey for over 30 years. It's a process with many ups and downs. I've learned and taught ways to become resilient to the ever-growing challenges of stepmom and stepfamily life.

I help you to embrace to good and deal with the bad, by helping you build and create a stronger and healthier stepfamily, one STEP at a time.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach

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