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  • How Your Resolutions Can Become Your Reality

Resolutions are about as common during the holidays as Santa. And they come and go about as quickly as Santa too.

Why is it that every year we go through the effort of making New Year’s Resolutions but within the first month, nearly 90% of all people have abandoned them?

What if there was a way you could exponentially increase the likelihood of your resolutions coming to be? Well, here’s the part we don’t hear about when it comes to creating New Year’s Resolutions.

Aside from them having to be realistic, the other critical factor is to visualize them clearly in your mind as if they have already happened.

And when you visualize them, use all your senses – see it, touch it, taste it, hear it, smell it. The more intense your visualization the more likely it will come to be.

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critical factor, Holidays, new year, resolutions, visualization

About the Author

CLAUDETTE CHENEVERT, aka The Stepmom Coach, works with women as they struggle to create a cohesive family life. As a speaker, author and stepfamily professional, Claudette mentors and guides stepmothers through the process of establishing a harmonious and thriving home life for their families. Her newest title, “The Stepmom’s Book of Boundaries,” is now available on Amazon.com and elsewhere. Learn about her coaching practice and self-study program for stepmoms at StepmomCoach.com.

Claudette Chenevert

The original content you just enjoyed is copyright protected by The Stepmom Coach—aka Claudette Chenevert—who proudly offers information, tips, products and other resources for building better relationships “one STEP at a time” via 1:1 coaching, self-guided coursework and more. Suitability is to be determined by individual users based on their own concerns and circumstances, as The Stepmom Coach does not endorse and is not liable for opinions expressed by third parties (i.e., advertisers, affiliates, audience members, clients).

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