Stepmom Self Study Program

Coming Soon words on fushia paper torn edges on brown beige canvas background

If you landed here, I just want to let you know that I'm in the process of revamping all of my courses.
As you can image, it's a bit of a process. 

Bookmark this page for when I have my programs up and running again.

The capacity to learn is a gift;
the ability to learn is a skill;
the willingness to learn is a choice.

~ Brian Herbert

I invite you to peruse the online programs and select the programs that can most help you in your current situation. If you would like to talk with me about which program would best suit you, you can email me claudette @ stepmomcoach dot com.

Stepfamily dynamics are often stressful, and that stress can have a negative impact on our relationships with our spouse, our stepkids and our health. It’s important to find ways to eliminate as much stress as we can from our lives, in order to create a more fulfilling stepfamily.

Understanding how emotions work gives you the advantage of knowing how to deal with people and their emotions, becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings and ways to manage your own emotions in all situations.

This is a vibrant promotional graphic featuring a profile outline filled with colorful gears and a heart, alongside text about emotional intelligence for stepmoms, with a web link and the "Stepmom Coach" logo.

As a stepparent, you are impacting and influencing your stepkids, whether they live with you full time, part time or not at all. Whatever you do or say is being recorded by those around you. The question is, are you having the impact you want to have, or are you getting less-than-desirable results?.

Conflict is part of our lives but it doesn't have to ruin it. This program will help you as a stepparent to constructively and effectively deal with conflict in your stepfamily before it gets out of hand.

Imagine what your life would be like if you had no fear of failure as a stepmom...if you knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt that you could be happy within your stepfamily. Imagine what your life would be like with complete confidence at being a good stepmom. If you want to bring an end to your struggles and start living a life of fulfillment and accomplishment…the life you were born to live…then this online self-study program is for you.

A new way to create success as you explore the definition of success, learn how to harness your internal & external strengths to achieve you goals, & turn your new discoveries into tangible results

One of the biggest trends today is Self-Study programs. They are successful because online programs allow you to learn what you need in order to make your life better. The flexibility of the programs allow you to take the course during the times that best suit your schedule.

Online Self Study Programs allow you to go at your own pace, and learn the skills and acquire the knowledge needed for any particular task or job. This is also true for learning how to create strong and healthy stepfamilies.

There are several programs being offered depending on what the issues are that you are dealing with in your home and in your life.

All Stepmom Online Self-Study Programs are designed to help you acquire the knowledge and skills to help you have more peace and harmony in your home. They are not meant to replace professional therapeutic services.

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Claudette Chenevert

I've been on this stepmom journey for over 30 years. It's a process with many ups and downs. I've learned and taught ways to become resilient to the ever-growing challenges of stepmom and stepfamily life.

I help you to embrace to good and deal with the bad, by helping you build and create a stronger and healthier stepfamily, one STEP at a time.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach

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