Calming The Storms of Stepfamily Conflict Program

Ever Wonder How Some Stepparents Successfully:

  • Get along with those they’re with?
  • Keep their family working like a team?
  • Negotiate the chores and house rules without breaking into a major war?
  • Stay calm and peaceful even when chaos is all around them?

Truth is, there’s some simple and easy tools that you can use too.  As a stepparent, knowing and using these time tested tips will make all the difference in your stepfamily. Do you think your life might be any better if you shared these amazing secrets with members of your family?

How many times have you tried to present your point of view with your spouse, the stepkids or someone else only to get met with an aggressive backlash from someone who disagrees? Have you ever experienced the general nature of the conversation becoming more emotionally charged as you seek a chance to defend your position? Has it ever felt as if the people you are discussing the problem with simply aren’t really hearing you or truly don’t care about finding a fair and equitable solution?

Here’s the perfect opportunity to find the answer to all these questions as well as several more you haven’t yet even thought of asking.

Announcing my 6 part series on Calming the Storms of Stepfamily Conflict!”

Conflict arises when the people involved simply aren’t trained to:

  •      Understand the causes of relational confrontations.
  •      Perceive the signals of a conflict about to arise.
  •      Apply the simple, step by step procedures that quickly and efficiently rectify the situation.

After reading just the first lesson, you’ll soon discover that you have the ability to quickly prepare for a “head on” negotiations session or conflict resolution meeting with a new sense of complete confidence. And after reading all six modules, you’ll have a valuable tool-kit at your disposal that’ll allow you to seamlessly work your way from an emotionally charged situation to a mutually beneficial one.

In these 6 steps, you’ll learn:

  • How to achieve a greater sense of over-all peace, satisfaction, confidence and self integrity.
  • Skills for getting along significantly better with your family and friends.
  • Tips to deepening your level of “connection” others.
  • How to create a clear, calm and centered awareness, free of chaos, conflict & confusion.

Once you learn the techniques and the knowledge of “Calming the Storms of Stepfamily Conflict” you will have a clear understanding of how to walk your path through life in a state of calm, peaceful balance. What could “THAT” do to improve your relationships and life in general?

A lot, believe me.

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Claudette Chenevert

I've been on this stepmom journey for over 30 years. It's a process with many ups and downs. I've learned and taught ways to become resilient to the ever-growing challenges of stepmom and stepfamily life.

I help you to embrace to good and deal with the bad, by helping you build and create a stronger and healthier stepfamily, one STEP at a time.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach
