Creating Stronger & Healthier Stepfamilies, Together

stepmom coach helps make plans for your future marriageWhen you and your partner first came together, everything was great. You enjoyed each other’s company, made plans for the future and were hopeful for a long and lasting relationship. You probably had a good connection with the kids.

But then, something changed. It’s not the same anymore. You’re wondering what’s happening to your relationship. You’re spending more time feeling frustrated about the stepkids, feeling resentful towards your partner instead of enjoying your time together. You argue over what the ex says or does, about the kids not respecting you, let alone acknowledging your presence. You are tired of being seen as “The Evil Stepmom!”

stepmom helpYou’re no longer happy with the way things are going in your life and in your home. You want to make this relationship work but you’re not quite sure how or where to start.

Maybe, you’re at a place where you have one foot out the door, ready to give up on this idea that you’re going to be happy with this person you fell deeply in love with.

If this is you and you’d like to know how you can turn your current situation around, then fill out the form below. Once you’re done, you’ll get an invitation to set up a free 30-minute call with me to talk about what you can do to create the kind of relationship you want today.

I can’t guarantee total bliss in your stepfamily and in fact, no one can. It’s one of those unrealistic expectations. What I can and do guarantee you as a stepmom, is a safe place to be heard, validated, and understood. I also help you think through what you really want in your relationship with your family and what steps to take to get you started.

Let’s get together and see what we can do to make your stepfamily stronger and healthier, one STEP at a time. And it all starts by filling the form below.



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Claudette Chenevert

I've been on this stepmom journey for over 30 years. It's a process with many ups and downs. I've learned and taught ways to become resilient to the ever-growing challenges of stepmom and stepfamily life.

I help you to embrace to good and deal with the bad, by helping you build and create a stronger and healthier stepfamily, one STEP at a time.

Claudette Chenevert - The Stepmom Coach

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